I grew up traveling with my parents every chance we got. We traveled across the country and overseas. My father traveled for business so we often went with him. My mother is a teacher so we were always learning. The best way for us to really learn was immersing ourselves no matter the age where we were. Learning about different cultures, states, history and food.
Fast forward to meeting my husband.
My husband didn’t travel much so when we got to together that was something he had to learn to love a bit more. He was a nervous traveler and I had to show him and prove to him that we could plan ahead. More so after we had children.
Overcoming Obstacles
In order to convince my husband to travel more when our kids were young, taking them cruising was a big pitch. I felt like I had to have the presentation perfect complete with statistics, video with slides and cost analysis.
Okay, I totally did the cost analysis and also had all the answers to his objections.
Creating experiences is what matters for us so to this day that’s what we aim to accomplish. What do we want to experience? How do we want to experience it? How can we share our experiences with others so they’ll want to do the same?
Tell me Thursday

Today is tell me thursday….we want to hear from you our readers and followers. We have answered private messages this week from followers on drink packages and how to work around them when not everyone in the cabin drinks or wants to spend the money. We’ve also answered questions on island excursions to St. Kitts, Thomas and Nassau, Bahamas.
We come across articles all the time about the value of travel. This one we felt was too good to pass up! Enjoy reading and then go, book that cruise you’ve wanted to do or vacation. Start making those experiences happen.

March 1, 2019Hi Nicole! Do you drive and park at the dock or would you recommend taking an Uber/Taxi? Thanks! -Jovonne
Jovonne: when we sail from ports that are local we drive and park. The Port of Baltimore for one is fantastic and only $15 per/cruise night. An uber/lyft from our area to BWI would be cost prohibitive and we are always looking to save money. Parking is so easy and the cruise lines alternate sailing dates so we never feel overcrowded either. This spring we are traveling to NJ to sail from Bayonne. We looked into staying at a local hotel the night before and doing a shuttle so a drive/stay/park package. So far we are opting to drive to port as well and leave our car. Mostly for the convenience for when we return. We don’t have to wait around to get back to a hotel and then hit the road. That will cost $22 per/day and again it’s a secure facility. So, I recommend driving if you are local enough. If you fly then I would look into particular options and sites that offer fantastic deals on hotels and transportation to the ports! We did a private transport in FL once and it was fantastic and also have utilized the cruise lines transportation which is usually $30 or so depending on the lines! Hope this helps answer your question.